Ready to confront existential dilemmas and embrace a life of authenticity

Existential therapy

Find liberation from existential angst and live a more meaningful life.

Feeling adrift in life’s existential questions? It’s natural to grapple with the uncertainty and meaninglessness that accompany our existence.

But imagine embracing these questions as a catalyst for growth and self-discovery. Picture finding clarity and purpose amidst life’s existential challenges.

Our existential therapy offers a safe space to explore these profound questions with depth and insight. Through compassionate guidance and thought-provoking dialogue, you’ll uncover the core truths that resonate with your authentic self.

By embracing your existential journey, you’ll discover a newfound sense of meaning and fulfillment. Our approach empowers you to live authentically, aligning your actions with your values and aspirations.

Take the first step towards a more meaningful life. Explore existential therapy and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Therapies and Practices to Face Existential Crises

Transactional Analysis Therapy

Transactional Analysis Therapy offers a structured framework for addressing existential crises. Through the analysis of ego states, transactions, and scripts, individuals gain insight into their existential dilemmas and responses. By exploring the underlying beliefs and decisions that shape their existential outlook, clients can identify and challenge limiting narratives. Individuals gain agency to rewrite these scripts, fostering a more empowered and authentic response to existential questions. Transactional Analysis Therapy equips individuals with the tools to navigate existential crises with greater clarity, self-awareness, and resilience, facilitating a deeper understanding of their existence and a more meaningful engagement with life’s uncertainties.

Redecision Therapy

Redecision Therapy offers a transformative approach to addressing existential crises. By revisiting early decisions and scripts, individuals uncover the root causes of their existential dilemmas. Through active redecision work, clients gain insight into how these scripts may limit their ability to find meaning and purpose in life. By revising and updating these scripts, individuals empower themselves to approach existential questions with greater flexibility and authenticity. Redecision Therapy facilitates a process of self-discovery and empowerment, enabling individuals to navigate existential crises with confidence, clarity, and a renewed sense of purpose. Through this therapeutic process, clients can embrace their existential journey and find deeper meaning in their lives.

Logosynthesis Therapy

Logosynthesis offers a unique approach to addressing existential crises. By targeting and neutralizing the frozen energy structures associated with existential dilemmas, individuals can release the energetic blockages that hinder their ability to find meaning and purpose in life. Through the systematic application of the Logosynthesis process, clients can disentangle themselves from old patterns and beliefs, freeing up vital energy to engage more fully with life’s existential questions. Logosynthesis facilitates a process of inner transformation, enabling individuals to approach existential crises with greater clarity, resilience, and authenticity. By releasing the grip of past experiences, Logosynthesis empowers individuals to embrace their existential journey with courage and curiosity, ultimately leading to a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment.


Mindfulness emerges as a powerful tool for navigating existential crises. By cultivating present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, individuals develop the resilience and clarity needed to confront life’s existential questions with grace and equanimity. Through mindfulness practices such as meditation and reflection, individuals learn to observe their thoughts and emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. This heightened awareness enables individuals to explore existential themes with curiosity and openness, rather than fear or avoidance. Mindfulness fosters a deep sense of acceptance and connectedness, allowing individuals to find meaning and purpose in the midst of life’s uncertainties. By embracing mindfulness, individuals can navigate existential crises with greater ease and insight, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.