Are you ready to heal and thrive?


I became a therapist
because my mission is to heal.

As a therapist, my calling stems from a deeply personal odyssey of healing. From childhood, I grappled with profound challenges—loss, bullying, and the complexities of a tumultuous, violent familial environment.

These formative experiences sculpted me into an overachiever, battling with pervasive issues of control, fear of failure, and a persistent struggle with emotional vulnerability. Despite my outward kindness, I found myself navigating relationships from a place of guardedness, fearing criticism and rejection, often sacrificing my own boundaries to please others. This internal conflict culminated in periods of deep isolation and profound depression.

My own journey through therapy marked a pivotal moment of transformation. Experiencing firsthand the profound impact of healing, I was compelled to embark on a path of becoming a therapist myself.

Through years of rigorous training, specialized certifications, and a commitment to ongoing personal growth, I’ve dedicated myself to guiding others through their own paths to healing.

Each client I encounter is met with empathy, understanding, and a steadfast dedication to their well-being. Continuously seeking supervision, exploring new therapeutic modalities, and honing my skills, I remain steadfast in my mission to facilitate healing and empowerment for those who seek it.

It's my honor and privilege to hold space you.

The best part of what I do is help people find rapid relief from suffering while we work on eliminating long-standing, limiting patterns.

Anxiety and Depression


Adults Transitions

Existential Crisis

I am committed to excellence.

Dedicated to Ongoing Training and Supervision for Your Continued Well-Being

The more I learn, the faster my clients heal and thrive.

In the last 20 years, I have completed multiple years of training in Transactional Analysis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Redecision, and Logosynthesis. And continue researching innovative techniques and treatments to help clients make the changes they want to make.

My most recent training professional training is with Dr. Willem Lammers in Logosynthesis. This therapy differs significantly from other treatment approaches, in that it quickly alleviates suffering while neutralizing long-standing limiting patterns.

Neutralizing limiting patterns is what it's all about

My approach is highly personalized, integrating innovative humanistic and energy techniques to help clients achieve powerful change. Modalities I use include Cognitive Transactional Analysis Therapy, NeuroLinguistic Programming, Redecision, Process, and Logosynthesis.

I know first-hand the complex pieces that lead to full recovery. I also know the process can be uplifting and potentially life-changing. If you’d like to boost your Emotional Well-Being and Resilience, get in touch, I’d love to hear what you have to say.

I am committed to LGBTQ + equality and support all expressions of gender identity.